Someone And Somehow

A hacker, who’s expected to be outside from Thailand has compromised the surveillance cameras of Lang Suan Prison at Chumphon, a Southern province of Thailand. Somehow, the alleged ones have hacked the general activity surveillance cameras of prison’s office, prisoners cafeteria and other areas and streamed the content live through a YouTube channel! It’s still unknown how the attacker got control over the channel and on cameras, but he streamed hours of activities on Big Brother’s Gaze. Maybe, the hacker just got lucky in compromising it, and that could be the reason why he mistook the footage’s location. The Channel Big Brother’s Gaze, though having more than 2K followers, is not having any content in it now. Probably, the owner could’ve deleted all of it. But the description of the channel read, The stream was noticed by a reporter and informed the authorities immediately. After which, the Narat Sawettanan, Director-General of Thailand’s Department of Corrections ordered to turn off the cameras and investigate the issue. The video from the channel was taken down immediately. Issues as such are going uncommon these days. More and more companies, individuals, governments are being hacked every day. As everyone waits for a cure, it’s better to prevent even before happening. FBI issued how to protect from any such general Cyber threats. Following them could be useful at least to an extent.

Unknown Hacker Compromises Thailand Prison s Security Cameras And Streams Them On YouTube - 6Unknown Hacker Compromises Thailand Prison s Security Cameras And Streams Them On YouTube - 25