From a mere takedown of 4,352 pieces of content in 2017, Reddit has gone on to take down about 665,898 pieces of content in 2021. Though it’s been rejecting about 27% of the removal requests every year, the number is still so high. And it doesn’t seem to be reducing or reversing anytime soon.
Reddit Takedown Removal Records
Starting in 2005, Reddit has grown to be one of the most popular social media platforms in the world today, with over a billion registered accounts and more than 400 million monthly active users. With this popularity, expect the platform to be crowded with political talks and memes that may sometimes be offensive to others. Thus, people report them to Reddit moderators for taking down, and some send DMCA takedown notices to the platform as a more direct approach. And Reddit is complying with most of them, as revealed in its transparency reports over time. The latest report gives us a glimpse of how Reddit is acting over the removal requests, with the numbers telling over 665,898 pieces of content removed by Reddit in the last five years! That’s huge, especially when compared to the same number from 2017, which was a mere 4,352! That was a 15,000% increase in the last five years and doesn’t seem to be slowing down or reversing in anytime soon. For instance, Reddit removed just 66 pieces of content during the entire 2014 – when it also published its first transparency report. Talking about the rejection of takedown requests, Reddit has maintained a steady denial rate of 27% in the last five years, except in 2016, where the figure was much higher than 80%. As we hope to see how long this trend goes, expect the platform to post record numbers in the coming years millions of people actively posting billions of pieces of content every day.