Here’s how to get the most out of your marketing team. 

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Measurable goals are essential so that your marketing team understand what they are aiming for and can stay on track. Furthermore, they can calculate the steps needed to get there as well as whether they need to bring on extra expertise for certain goals such as a designer from the content team if one step is to create a high-quality infographic with their marketing materials, for example. When setting goals, remember to prioritize them so that the team understands which goal and objective should be met first. Working on six goals all at once causes room for mistakes to happen. Make it known that your team is to focus on one goal at a time, and when one is complete, they can move onto the next.

Stress the Importance of Collaboration

Teams and team members should be aligned so that they can all work towards the same goals. Heading off on different directions and towards various objectives lacks efficiency and can cause problems down the line.

Between Marketing Team Members

If you are lucky enough to have a large marketing team, you may want to assign one goal between a few team members so that more than one goal is being completed; however, stress the importance that they are to focus on that goal and nothing more (unless otherwise stated). As a leader, you can encourage team members to speak up and debate different ways to reach targets by taking the lead. Offer up your ideas to the room and once done, ask for honest feedback. Your team will feel more inclined to share their own thoughts if they see their team leader doing so.

Between the Different Company Teams

Ensure that each team understands the main goals and how everyone is working towards achieving them. Encourage team leaders to have weekly or monthly meetings depending on the campaigns that are being worked on so that they can discuss how their teams can contribute to the end goal.

Offer Career Progression

Career progression is a great incentive and highly motivates your workers to perform better. Sit down with your employees and have a frank discussion on where they see themselves in five years’ time, the next steps in their career, and what they would like to achieve. You may find that John the content writer has a natural talent for reading Big Data and would like to pursue this skill of his and spend more time working with the marketing team. By providing John with options to develop these skills, he is more like to work harder and be much more productive for the company (boosting the business’s bottom line).

How Can You Incentivize Workers?

There are many ways you can offer career progression. Examples include:

Offer workers more responsibility. If you think certain employees are up to the task, you can offer them more responsibility with the incentive to acquire a pay rise after a month’s review to see whether they have done the job well and can continue with the additions you have added to the role.Suggest they take classes or a masters. Education and remaining knowledgeable on the rising trends and new tools are essential for any high functioning marketing team. For instance, the rise in Big Data and having the tools and knowledge on how to read the data is essential and can help marketing campaigns become much more successful. You can read more on why having a trained individual on data analytics is important to your team here.

Provide them with the Correct Tools

The correct tools can improve efficiency and help complete specialized work to a higher level. It can also boost productivity as tools designed for a certain job will be quicker and easier to use. Here are some of the best marketing tools on today’s market:

Planning and Organization


Social Listening




Landing Page Tools


Analytics Tools

ZendeskGoogle AnalyticsTeam SupportDeskKISSmetrics

Build a Talented Content Team

Digital marketing and content go hand in hand, and typically, the content and marketing teams will work alongside one another when conceptualizing and creating a marketing campaign. We’ve mentioned before that internal teams will benefit from clear lines of communication; however, you will also need to build a content team that is full of talented and creative writers and editors.

What Makes a Good Content Team?

A successful content team requires individuals with certain skillsets and credentials. What’s more, you need to develop a team structure that allows for collaboration and support when needed. A typical content team is made up of the following roles:

Content marketing managerWriters and editors (sometimes known as copywriters and copyeditors)DesignersSocial media marketers

You may also have a PR and partnerships manager within the team. The marketing team’s main responsibilities involve defining and managing your brand while expanding the company’s reach in the hopes of bringing more traffic to the website and conversions. This is no easy task, which is why you need to ensure your team is running as efficiently as possible with little room for error. One missed campaign can damage your business’s credibility, but investing in the wellbeing and education of your workers can be greatly beneficial to the business’s overall performance. Streamline your business by putting the above tips into practice.