CCIE certification is an expert-level certification launched by Cisco in 1993. It is recognized as the most authoritative certification in the IT industry and the top certification in the field of global networking. Rules of CCIE certification are very strict. CCIE certification not only investigates various types of theoretical knowledge in the written exam but also tests the ability to deal with practical problems through the lab exam. The content of CCIE certification exam [learn more in site] will be updated frequently. Therefore, the CCIE certificate has become one of the most valuable and respected certificates in the IT industry, and also one of the most difficult certificates to obtain. At present, only around 50,000 people worldwide hold CCIE certificate (including all directions of CCIE certification). Everyone who passes the CCIE certification exam will get the unique CCIE number in the world, which is permanently reserved and very precious! CCIE certificate has very high value. The high threshold of getting CCIE certificate proves that your technology has reached the expert level. Therefore, people with CCIE certificate are recognized by the IT industry. It is also a symbol of honor and an embodiment of self-worth. At the same time, it can be seen from the income of CCIE certificate holders that the certificate is very useful. With CCIE certificate, the salary will be greatly improved. For example, if students can obtain CCIE certificate just after graduation, they can basically get an annual salary of 1,166 to 16,666 US dollars in first-tier cities. As for people on the job, obtaining a CCIE certificate will make them more competitive in the workplace, because both bosses and colleagues can have a clear understanding of their ability from the certificate. After knowing the value of CCIE certificate and the salary of CCIE certificate holders, many people may want to know the cost of CCIE certification training. At present, there are many CCIE training institutions in China, and the training fees of each company are certainly different. But the price depends on the quality of the goods. We can’t only measure an educational product from the surface price, instead, we need to dig out its connotation, that is, its value. Scheme 1: CCIE through training for students with zero foundation. This program is aimed at students who have no network foundation at all. After learning, they will directly take the CCIE certification exam and skip the CCNA and CCNP certification. The training content includes a full set of courses of CCNA, CCNP, CCIE theory and CCIE lab. The original price is 3,133 UD dollars and the current (2020) preferential price is 2,800 US dollars. Scheme 2: CCIE theory + lab package for students with CCNP Foundation. This program is aimed at students who already have CCNP certificate. Students will directly learn the contents of CCIE theory and experiments, and then take CCIE certification exam. The original price is 2,633 US dollars, and the current (2020) preferential price is 2,133 US dollars.