The Gadget Drama

Thomas Milam, along with his wife Elisa was watching a movie in their bedroom. They paused the movie after hearing weird noises from downstairs and suspecting an intruder. The clock ticked past midnight, Milam grabbed his gun and Elisa called 911 for help. Within minutes, the operator dispatched officers to the location they said and asked if they were armed. Milam said yes and he was pointing at the door after hearing the increased noises from an intruder. The noise was increasingly alarmed and the couple started fearing about their 2-year old daughter sleeping soundly next door. They didn’t want her to wake up to those noises and waited for police. Milan explained as And when police checked into their house and started searching for the intruder, operator asked Milam to set the gun down and talk to police. He opened the door and police shined the stairs, and Milam walked down with his hands put and in boxers! Police holstered their weapons as asked a question to Milam as, “Is this Roomba yours?” Milam felt ashamed and explained the things as he understood. The family bought an autonomous vacuum cleaner, Roomba made by iRobot for their Christmas! And that’s what being rummaging throughout the home. He explained that’s been cleaning the home without even scheduling and stuck at the hallway and bumping into the wall, thus making weird noises as an intruder.

Thanking Each Other!

Though embarrassed, Milam thanked police for their quick help. He said, In return, the Forsyth County Police too thanked Milam for being in such good humour. Christina Howell, a spokeswoman of the department told CNN as “We often interact with our community members on their worst days. We were so thankful this turned out to be a false alarm, but even more thankful that the homeowner was intentional about sharing his perspective of the experience with us and with the public.” Source: Forsyth County Police

Couple Mistook Their Robot Vaccum Cleaner For Intruder And Called Police - 23Couple Mistook Their Robot Vaccum Cleaner For Intruder And Called Police - 44