On 23rd October, AWS was hit by a DDoS attack that lasted for eight long hours. It’s still unknown who has performed it.

How and Why?

DDoS attacks are pretty technical. For them to occur, attackers use several computers with DDoS tools and send unwanted traffic to victim’s systems, letting them crash with Trojans infections and make them unavailable for those who wanted. Most of these DDoS attacks are done for reducing competition by their competitors, or showing hactivism, or even for fun! And now, security researchers at Kaspersky has discovered that these attacks are now made asking for money. Someone would be sending a message asking for Bitcoins at first and make a DDoS attack for a short while after the news, to make them know that he’s capable. And if ransom not received in time, a long session of attack is carried against that institution’s/individual’s resources to crash their services.

AWS Hit By an Eight Hour DDoS Attack   TechDator - 49AWS Hit By an Eight Hour DDoS Attack   TechDator - 8